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ABN Registration (Non-Resident Businesses)

Non-residents may be entitled to an Australian business number (ABN) if they're carrying on or starting an enterprise in Australia or making supplies connected with Australia's indirect tax zone. An ABN is a unique 11 digit number issued by the Australian Taxation Office that identifies your business to the government and community.

Complete this form in order to start your application for an ABN as a non-resident company or organisation from just A$350. This form also conveniently allows you to register for related tax registrations and services at the same time.

  • ABN Registration
  • Resident Public Officer
  • GST Registration
  • PAYG Registration
  • Tax File Number (TFN) Registration
  • Deferred Tax Scheme Enrolment (DTSE)
  • Business Name Registration
  • GST and PAYG Filing Services
  • Income Tax Return Services
  • Virtual Office Address Facility

Applicant Contact Details

Please provide details of the person completing this form who we can contact if we have any questions.
Please enter your first name

Please enter your last name (family name)

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Please describe your position held within the organisation (eg director)

Please enter your email address

Please enter your telephone number including country code

Please include your country code (eg +44)

Please indicate which country you reside in.

Which country do you reside in?

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We need to nominate an authorised contact person for the business that the Australian Taxation Office can contact if required from time to time. If you would like to nominate a different person than the above, please tick ''no'' here.

ATO Authorised Contact Details

Please enter your first name

Please enter your last name (family name)

Please describe your position held within the organisation (eg director)

Please enter your email address

Please enter your telephone number including country code

Please include your country code (eg +44)

Organisation Details

Please enter a name

Include legal suffixes (eg LLC, Ltd, Inc) - this should match what is written on your certificate of incorporation / articles of association

Please select an option

Please indicate what business structure your organisation is registered as in your home country.

Please select an option

Please select an option

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This can be any date in the past or future.

Please provide a description

ie what industry will you operate in and what goods and services will you be selling? The ATO requires this information for industry statistic purposes.

Main Business Address

Please note this can not be a PO Box.
Please enter address line 1

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Please enter your suburb / town / locality

Please enter a state or territory

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Please enter country

Please select an option

Please select 'no' if your postal address is different from your main business address.

Postal Address

Please enter address line 1

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Please enter your suburb / town / locality

Please enter a state or territory

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Please enter country

Australian Business Address Facility (Virtual Office)

For businesses looking for a local presence for their marketing, operational, compliance, or customer needs we can provide a premium business address facility located in Australia. Under this service, we provide a premium business address (virtual office address), which includes scanning and email forwarding of all essential mail received at this address. Please note the service is a virtual address and does not entitle you to physical office space at our location.

Please note an Australian address is not required in order to obtain an ABN.

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Your Business Address Facility will be located at our offices at:

Your Business Name
Level 1, 8 Beulah Road
Norwood SA 5067

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Virtual Office Address
In today’s mobile world, a company no longer needs four walls to exist. Take control of your future and say goodbye to the 9-5 with a Virtual Office. Establish and maintain a constant professional presence in Australia with a distinguished business address and allow yourself the freedom and flexibility to work wherever you want.

Service Packages
ABN Australia can provide a business address facility at its offices for $65.00 per month, or save and pay $650 for 12 months in advance.

Business Address
  • Prestigious CBD address printed on your name cards and collaterals
  • Make use of your address on marketing materials and your website
  • All incoming mail & parcels will be received on your behalf
  • No long term contracts, no bonds, no deposits
  • Save on cashflow normally required for new physical office space.
Mail Forwarding
We are able to scan and forward essential mail received at this address to your preferred email address. For postage of items outside of Australia, an additional fee equal to the postage costs will be applied.

Please provide below details of your company or organisation's directors and officers. The Australian Taxation Office require these details in order to verify the identity of your business. If you have more than 3 directors or officers for your company, please enter only the details of 3 of those directors as that will be sufficient for the purposes of this application.

Company Director 1

Organisation Officer 1

Please provide details of each organisation officer below (public officer, director, office bearer)

Partner 1

Please provide details of each partner in the partnership

Sole Trader / Individual

As your are operating as a sole trader / individual - please provide your details below.
Please enter a name

Please enter a name

Please enter a name

Please input a date of birth. The ATO requires this for verification purposes.

Please put in format dd/mm/yyyy

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Please note we would not ordinarily expect you to have an Australian TFN.

Please enter address line 1

Please note we require the residential address of this business associate and it needs to be the same as the residential address listed on a drivers licence or other ID documentation.

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Please enter your suburb / town / locality

Please enter a state or territory

Invalid Input

Please enter country

Company Director 2

Organisation Officer 2

Partner 2

Please enter a name

Please enter a name

Please enter a name

Please input a date of birth. The ATO requires this for verification purposes.

Please put in format dd/mm/yyyy

Invalid Input

Please note we would not ordinarily expect you to have an Australian TFN.

Please enter address line 1

Please note we require the residential address of this business associate and it needs to be the same as the residential address listed on a drivers licence or other ID documentation.

Invalid Input

Please enter your suburb / town / locality

Please enter a state or territory

Invalid Input

Please enter country

Company Director 3

Organisation Officer 3

Please enter a name

Please enter a name

Please enter a name

Please input a date of birth. The ATO requires this for verification purposes.

Please put in format dd/mm/yyyy

Invalid Input

Please note we would not ordinarily expect you to have an Australian TFN.

Please enter address line 1

Please note we require the residential address of this business associate and it needs to be the same as the residential address listed on a drivers licence or other ID documentation.

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Please enter your suburb / town / locality

Please enter a state or territory

Invalid Input

Please enter country

Eligibility Checklist

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Related Tax Registrations and Business Services

Please select which additional tax registrations or business services you require for your business here in Australia.

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Goods and services tax (GST) is a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia.

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PAYG withholding registration is usually required when employing staff here in Australia.

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An Australian TFN will be required if you intend to lodge income tax returns or GST filings in Australia.

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The deferred goods and services tax (DGST) scheme allows you as an importer to defer payment of GST on taxable importations. Note in order to access the DTSE you need to report your BAS activity on a monthly basis.

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We can register a trading name (different to your legal name) with ASIC for a fee. Your business name needs to be renewed on an annual basis.

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If you would like assistance from ABN Australia is preparing and lodging your BAS Returns please tick this box and we will contact you to discuss our services further. There is no fee applicable at this time.

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If you need assistance with income tax return lodgements or advice please tick this box and we will contact you to discuss further. There is no fee applicable at this time.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) Registration

Generally speaking you are required to register for GST if your business has an annual GST turnover of $75,000 or more. If your business will have turnover of less than $75,000, registering for GST is optional.

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There are two methods of accounting for GST (goods and services tax), a cash basis and a non-cash basis (accruals). The method you use will affect when you must report GST. Businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $10 million, or who use cash accounting for income tax, can use either method. Most larger businesses must use the non-cash method. Accounting on a cash basis means you account for GST on the business activity statement that covers the period in which you receive or make payment for your sales and purchases.

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Pay as you go (PAYG)

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Business Name Registration

If you would like to trade under a different business name in Australia to your legally registered name in your home country, then you need to register a trading name (called a business name in Australia). If you would like to register a business name please complete the below section. There is an additional fee for the registration of a business name and the registration period lasts 1 year.
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A business name is the name your business operates under. You need to register a business name if you conduct business under a name other than your legal name as registered in your home country. The fee for business name registration is $220 which includes a $44 government charge. You will need to renew your business name each year in order to continue trading under that name. Please note if you wish to simply trade under your registered legal name, then there is no need to register a separate business name registration with ASIC in Australia.
By submitting this application you declare that (ABN 58 615 782 799) acting in its capacity as a Registered ASIC Agent is authorised to submit a business name application to the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) on your behalf, and that will utilise information supplied by you in this form to apply for a business name and will remain your ASIC agent and notify you when your business name requires renewal.
Please let us know your name.

Note: Your preferred name may not be available due to a pre-existing registration or the similarity to an existing registered name.

ABN Registration Terms and Conditions

Before submitting your ABN application you need to acknowledge you understand your eligibility to get an ABN. If you are confused about any of the following questions, please ask us on live chat or contact us on +61 1300 226 226 or

I believe I am entitled to an ABN:

  • I meet a number of the key characteristics of a business, or will once started
  • I can provide evidence that I am entitled to an ABN if requested.

    I understand my obligations:

  • To provide true and correct information in my ABN application
  • Once I have an ABN I must keep it up to date (within 28 days of any change) and cancel it once I am no longer trading or carrying on an enterprise.

    I agree to appoint ABN Australia as my authorised tax agent in Australia purely for the purposes of applying for an ABN:

  • in order to allow ABN Australia to followup with the ATO regarding this application on my behalf;
  • and acknowledge that ABN Australia is a Registered Tax Agent (Tax Agent Number: 25968749);
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Note: Penalties of up to $12,600 can apply for each false or misleading statement made in an ABN application

Ineligible to Complete Application Form

You must agree to all above terms and conditions in order to access our ABN registration services and to be eligible for an ABN.

Summary of Services Required

  • ABN Registration (Non Resident) - $350.00
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST) Registration - $125.00
  • Pay as You Go (PAYG) Registration - $125.00
  • Tax File Number (TFN) Registration - $15.00
  • Deferred Tax Scheme Enrolment (DTSE) - $300.00
  • Business Name Registration - $220.00
  • Virtual Office Address (Monthly Subscription) - $65.00
  • Virtual Office Address (Annual Subscription) - $650.00

Payment and Order Confirmation

Payments are made via Credit Card.


eway SSL

Please enter the name on your credit card

Please enter your credit card number

Please select your credit card type

Please enter your credit card's expiry date (mm/yy)

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Three numbers found on the back of your credit card

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Please include any additional notes or comments you would like to leave for us to read.