
ABNAustralia.com.au is the registered business name of Perpetuity Holdings Pty Ltd.

All legal content contained in this website relates only to the laws of Australia, unless specifically stated otherwise.

The laws of Australia may be different from your laws.

The information contained in this Website, including publications, provides a general guide only.

By accessing this Website you agree that the information contained in it cannot be relied on as a substitute for appropriate legal advice tailored to yourcircumstances.

Your use of this Website or the receipt of information from this Website or us is not intended to create nor does it create a client relationship between you and ABN Australia

ABN Australia are not a legal firm and does not provide any legal advice whatsoever in relation to the provision of its services and products and will not be held liable for failure by any party to seek appropriate legal or financial advice in the provision of these services or products.

To the extent permitted by law, we ABN Australia do not warrant the accuracy, reliability or completeness of information shown in or omitted from this site. We have taken reasonable care in producing and collating this information but changes may occur at any time that impact on the accuracy or completeness of the information.

To the extent permitted by law, we will not under any circumstances be liable for any direct , indirect or consequential damages arising in any way out of your use of this website or any of the content. This includes, but is not limited to, the transmission of any virus. Where we cannot exclude liability, to the maximum extent permitted by law, our liability will be limited to resupply of the relevant service , products or equivalent products or, in in the case of products, the costs of repairing the products, at our option.


The site is primarily aimed at practising accountants, financial planners and solicitors. We strongly advise that consumers seek professional advice before ordering any products or services.

Links to other sites

This website may contain links to other Websites. Those links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained.

Links to those Linked Websites should not be construed as any endorsement, approval, recommendation, or preference by us of the owners or operators of the linked Websites, or for any other information, products or services referred to on those other Websites.

"Linked Website" means Websites of people other than ABN Australia which are hyperlinked from this Website.

Nothing contained in this disclaimer derogates from ABN Australia's right to comply with law enforcement requests or requirements relating to your use of this Website or information provided to or gathered by ABN Australia with respect to that use.

Tax Agent Services & Complaints

Our tax agent services are provided under a tax agent registration with the Tax Practitioners Board (the “TPB”). The TPB maintains a register of tax agents and BAS agents. This register can be accessed and searched on the TPB’s website at: https://www.tpb.gov.au/public-register.

If you have any complaint about our tax agent services, please raise and discuss this with us and we will endeavour to resolve it. If we are unable to resolve your complaint, you may lodge a complaint with the TPB. The TPB’s complaint process can be viewed on the TPB’s website at https://www.tpb.gov.au/complaints.